Personal ZEN Coaching
"To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
Chuang Tzu |
Number of participants: alone or for couples
Place: Zenklausen, Germany Accommodation: Singel Hermitage (Tiny House) Duration: 3 days (2 nights) Date 1: 29. January until 31. January 2025 Date 2: 04. February until 06.February 2025 Date 3: 06. June until 08. June 2025 Date 4: 16. July until 18. July 2025 Date 5: 22. July until 24. July 2025 Notice: - these days are also suitable for beginners in ZEN-Meditation. - On request, we can also accompany the participants in English, German or Italian. Please note this in your booking request. Personal & IndividualThe focus of these "Personal ZEN Coaching" days is on supporting more peace, serenity and mindfulness in everyday private and professional life. Because most of the time in our lives we have forgotten to align our sails with our true inner goals. Goals that not only give us more leisure and peace, but also courage, hope and joy in our own existence.
Whether you are facing personal or professional challenges, this personal Zen coaching can help you create new paths and provide the support you need to overcome obstacles in life and forge new paths with courage and joy. In these coaching sessions you can also learn to live more mindfully, develop a deeper sense of connection with yourself and unlock your full potential in the “here and now”. Aim of the Coaching- discover your own ZEN path;
- realize your life goals with joy. - discover and live your own Ikigai: Japanese (生き甲斐) “meaning of life”; - understand how to go through crisis with calmness; - learn to enjoy the moment with leisure; - embrace personal insecurities with serenity; - to shape one's life purposefully and successfully; - to live life with joy and without fear. This Zen coaching aims to be like a mirror that reflects your innermost being, revealing your true potential and guiding you towards your authentic path. Let go of doubt and fear, trust in the process, and allow the stillness of your mind to guide you towards the clarity and wisdom within. ZEN Coaching in the ZenklausenIn the peace and silence of the Zenklausen: three (3) coaching days with two (2) overnight stays are planned. Arrival 3 p.m. and departure 11:30 a.m.
You are welcome to arrive days before the coaching or even extend your stay in order to enjoy the peace and power of this beautiful place more. Price per Person: € 1248, -
- four individual personal coaching sessions a' 60-90 minutes; - five guided ZEN meditation sessions a' 60-90 minutes (According to the level ZEN-Meditation); - two nights in a single hermitage (tiny house) a 45m2 with food and drinks. In case of couples each guest will be staying in a single hermitage; - time for contemplation and inner peace; - all meals included; - use of the meditation areas and rooms; - all meals in the Zenklausen are vegetarian based. However, if anything else should be taken into account in the catering or stay, please notice this in your booking request. |